Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Tree

They're chopping down a beautiful tree next door. It's old and the branches twist, and turn in a wonderful way. Like you might expect in an old fairy tale. No one took pictures or anything they just showed up with a cherry picker, a chopper, and some men with chain saws, and started taking the thing down. It's hard for me when things are done unceremoniously, it feels like things are taken for granted and unrecognized. I like that kind of world, where people and things are appreciated. Where giant old trees are noticed for the beauty they provide, and the history they've been part of.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I love it here.

I'm tired and busy, but happy and content. Sometimes I wish that we could combine all of the people here that we love and all of the people there, it's so hard when your heart is spread out all over the country, and world. I want all my friends back home to know and love these people here. To be friends with them, and really bond with them. And vice versa. Instead I have the blessing, and challenge of being a real and deep part of both worlds. The people here will tell you that they belong here because they really feel it, deep down they know it to be true. And sometimes I catch the back end of that feeling too. Sure, I miss the conveniences of the hustling city, but the peace that comes from just being here and the experience of knowing half of the people you drive past is pretty amazing too. Yeah, I miss my family and 'my world' but this is a good exchange because I could really believe that these people are my family too. It's good here, I can see why God said that 'it was good' when He finished creation. And this is the marred and sinful world I gaze at, imagine if this place were unscarred by sin! I really love it here.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Simple Pleasures

Life is full of Simple things and these are some of my faves...

  • hot dogs on the grill
  • sunshine through the leaves
  • soft blankets
  • trust
  • real people
  • dark chocolate
  • warm strong arms around me
  • water

life is good, not always easy or fun but good...