Saturday, February 9, 2008


I work my butt off all week so that I can make money.
I make money so that I can buy the things I need.
I buy things I need like gas to get to work, and food so that I don't pass out while I'm working.

Does this seem like a vicious cycle to anyone else?

Does anybody else feel like you're serving 'The Machine' rather than living Life?

Can I also just say, that when I spend the money on things I want and don't need for existence (money that I spent over 40 hours this week earning) I end up feeling guilty!!
I feel like time is just slipping through my fingers, and that even though I'm earning a paycheck for it... I'm missing out on life which is ultimately a pretty high price to pay

However... I am making this sacrifice now so that I can have the reward later of freedom from "The Machine"

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